(973) 778-4222
Raphael Center for Integrative Orthodontics
More Than Straight Teeth
Did you read about our Little's Program?
So let's get you started...
1. Fill out this questionnaire about the things you see in your child

2. You'll get a call from Gina for the interview.

Gina will review details of the program and set up the contract.
The fee for the Program is currently $1950 and is payable when the Interview is completed. The fee includes the Intake, Assessment, and Balance parts of the Program. The Shape and Grow elements have additional fees. (Fees subject to change as we add more services)
If you think your child needs additional services right away, like lactation, reflex integration, or oral function therapies, we can help make arrangements for you.
3. You'll send us videos to help us see what's ailing your child.
Sleeping. Send one or more short clips of their sleeping. We want to see audible breathing, snoring, open mouth breathing, gasps, odd body or head positions, and, if you can, how restless they are.
Eating. If you see them having difficulties with drinking, chewing, or swallowing, try to capture that for us.
Other issues. It's so helpful for us to see what you see at home that we might not be able to see in the office when they are shy. Just keep the videos cropped and short so we see the important stuff.

4. We'll see you at the office. We can't wait to meet you!

The program includes four visits: The Assessment Visit and 3 Balance visits. See our Little's Program Page
5. Online Consultation and Advanced Treatment Recommendations
Once we get to know your child and see how they respond to our program, we may make additional recommendations for now or later, and with us or with a variety of allied health practitioners. There is no comittment for these services until you agree to their need.
You may select any of your current practitioners to join us on the consultation. If need be, we can schedule early evening sessions for them to be able to participate. Just send us their emails for an invitation.