(973) 778-4222
Raphael Center for Integrative Orthodontics
More Than Straight Teeth

This is about straight teeth.
But this is not about braces.
And it is definitely not about extractions.

Integrative Orthodontics is about more than just straight teeth...
We help you grow better now
So you can be better later
And stay better longer.
You see, crooked teeth are only part of the problem...
Here's what else to look for in your child...(Hover over the pix)

At the Raphael Center, we don't think crooked teeth are just inherited.
Teeth come in crooked because of habits (there are four major ones). Change these habits and the teeth can grow in straighter...often without braces at all. Wouldn't that be nice?
Plus, there are lots of health benefits to healthy habits.
Here's how we do it...
We teach kids healthy habits..., what doctor does that?

In a kid-friendly place...or at your home computer.
... nothing dental office scary here.
Using an easy to follow plan...
...with step by step instructions to follow at home.

Here's what we can do for your child.
When we address your child's mouth breathing and posture habits...just the basics, mind's what happens...

Let's hear how Dr. Raphael says it...

Less mouth breathing
Getting the lips to close and the tongue to rest on the palate changes facial growth for the better.

Better facial profile
Good facial growth leads to a  more attractive face and the teeth can easily come in straighter.

Better airway...
Good facial growth opens up the breathing spaces so you can sleep better, think clearer, and perform activities with less fatigue.

Better breathing and sleep...
The way you breathe - day and night - affects your sleep, your mood, your behavior....everything!

Straighter teeth...
And the icing on the cake is straighter teeth...naturally. No braces for this case.

"His snoring has stopped and his teeth are really starting to move in the right direction and without braces... Dr. Raphael's done a great job of making it easy on Jimmy and us. "
Jimmy and Jim Gallagher

"My boys just finished the program and I can only say amazing things about it. The support we get from the team and the visits keeps our kids motivated. And the change from where they started to where they ended!…there’s just no words…the caring we get from everyone here made this experience so fabulous."
Collette Rude

"Since we started the program, I’ve seen such a huge difference in Rebecca. She used to keep her mouth open mostly at night and now she breathes through her nose and her lips a closed. And of course, her teeth…such a change without braces…her teeth are beautiful now."
Svetlana Bromberg

"Sometimes at the mall when we’re going places, I notice a lot of kids with open mouths and shows a lot."
Rebecca Bromberg

"They were giving Gabriel more and more allergy medications and I said: No, there is something else going on...His jaw was so narrow and he was breathing through his mouth it was really affecting him. He was a mess. I was a mess. He was going almost every year to the emergency room... But now, after the program, I don't panic so much because I know he's feeling better. "
Rocio Caberte
"Dina needed a space saver in her mouth due to a pulled tooth. We were only looking to solve that problem but were told we could move her lower jaw forward. We went for it!
Her lower jaw definitely moved forward and her profile is certainly improved. She stopped thumb sucking and keeps her mouth closed.... Thank you for everything. We are happy with the improvement! I feel confident that the skills she learned will help her for life"
Esther Shlionsky
It is a life-gift that we found Dr. Barry. He’s a World-class Expert with a down-to-earth, good-with-kids style. Rare to find that combination in any doctor. He's genuinely invested, as is his team. The environment is respectfully kid-friendly: cool and fun, clean, calm, and organized. Dr. Barry is up on the latest information and sees the whole-body system. He makes things so understandable. I have never been more appreciative of a doctor.
Years ago, my son had symptoms that I had a hunch were somehow connected. Crowding teeth, big tonsils, snoring, and apnea. For 3 years, I took him to countless doctors including Pediatricians, ENTs, Specialists, and even other Integrative Orthodontists but none of them “got it” on a level that Dr. Barry did. When he did an evaluation, he asked questions no other doctor asked and noticed things no other doctor noticed. He explained how it was all connected and how we could solve it. I was deeply relieved. The search for the right care was finally over and we could begin!
My son did the ALF and the Myobrace, and the symptoms reversed: deep sleep, a back-on-track growth spurt, reduced tonsils, and his teeth found their places in a beautifully widened palate resulting in an amazing smile. (There were other major results too like correct jaw placement, full nose breathing, and noticeably increased endurance.)
Fellow Parents: You have found the solution. You're in great hands with Dr. Barry. (And if you're wondering when to begin, let me save you time: The sooner you start, the less you have to reverse later.) -
Heather H.
Yes, we are also a full-service orthodontic office that does:
Damon braces
Clear Aligners, including Invisalign. ULab, and others
Mini-Screw Expanders (MSE, MARPE, Pin Expanders)
Surgically-facilitated Orthodontics Treatment (SFOT)
Adult Expansion and Opening Extraction Spaces
and all that good stuff.
See our Littles Program for kids from birth to 3yo
We have private practitioners on the campus that do:
TMJ Therapy
Airway Stabilization
Myofunctional Therapy
Craniosacral and Craniofascial Therapies
Dr. Raphael is a specialist in orthodontics (NJ Specialty Permit # 3684) and is widely regarded as a leader in this field.
What are the goals of your treatment?The BIG goal is to help our patients develop "an optimal, physiologic airway and breathing pattern" as stated by the American Dental Association. We also teach the four healthy habits that help the jaws, face, and airway grow the best (we knew you were curious): That is: they should be able to Breathe through their nose comfortably, Hold their lips together without strain, Have the tongue resting on the palate and Be able to swallow using just the tongue and not the facial muscles. Along with that, we teach kids how to sleep, eat, clean, and hold their posture better. If children get to us after the bad habits have done damage, we can help fix that, too.
When should I bring my child to see you?Most people think this answer has to do with the stage or age of the teeth. It does not. You should bring your child when you discover the habits that will make the teeth crooked. This can start in infancy. It can easily be seen when a child is 4 years old. The point of this treatment is help teeth grow in straight as they are coming in. If you wait until "braces age", then, well, you'll need braces.
Isn't 4 years old too early to start orthodontics?Yes, if all you care about is straight teeth, that can be easily done later. But if you also want to help your child's jaws, face, and airway grow properly, too, you have to act while they are young and still growing. By the time a child reaches "braces age", their face is mostly grown and less can be done.
Will my child still need braces?Sometimes, yes. Our "home run" is when the teeth grow in straight and no braces are needed. But sometimes, people still want that perfect Hollywood smile and we can give that to you with braces or aligners. There are many children who don't get to us on time and the teeth are already developing off target, and again, we can fix that.
Is this expensive?If you come early enough and avoid the use of braces, you can save thousands of dollars. However, the later you come and the more damage we have to heal, the more the cost. Since we are a full service orthodontic office, you can use your orthodontic insurance as long as they allow you to pick your own orthodontist out of network.
Your first visit...
Since we look at more than teeth, there is a lot more information to gather before we decide if we're right for each other.
We want to know:
Your biggest concerns and goals
Your health history
Your sleep habits and quality
Your birth and feeding history
How well you breathe, night and day
How your jaws have grown
How well your tongue works in speaking, breathing, and swallowing
What your posture is like
The other professionals helping with this problem.
One of the aftermaths of the pandemic is that we try to do as much of this remotely from your home as we can. You will begin with a phone discussion with our Treatment Coordinator. She will help you gather this information and assemble the portfolio Dr. Raphael will use to assess your case.
Then when you come to our office for x-rays, 3-D video scans, and other tests, you can be here for a much shorter time.
Finally, you will meet with Dr. Raphael for an in-depth discussion of your situation and all the possible solutions. Our broad-based service will allow you to choose the option that fits your needs and desires the best.

The Raphael Center for Integrative Orthodontics
1425 Broad Street
Suite C
Clifton NJ 07013
NJ Specialty # 3684